What is a Cymanfa Ganu?
A cymanfa ganu (or the gymanfa ganu) is a festival of sacred songs sung in four-part harmony by a congregation, led by a musical director and usually accompanied by organ or piano. The traditional singing of hymns in four-part harmony is traced back to about the 12th century in Wales and is tied to the spiritual life of Welsh people.
With the cooperative efforts of the WGGAW and other organizations in Wisconsin, cymanfaoedd canu are held at various locations in Wisconsin monthly from May (the State Gymanfa Ganu) to November (the Christmas Gymanfa Ganu). Sometimes there is a gymanfa ganu scheduled close to March 1, St. David’s Day. Singing is done in both English and Cymraeg.
To see and hear a cymanfa ganu, go to YouTube for Tom Guy’s recording of the July 2014 event at Peniel Welsh Chapel in the Town of Eldorado, Wisconsin.
These festivals welcome anyone and everyone to attend, sing, and enjoy the fellowship of a refreshing te bach that follows the singing. A favorite at the te bach is the Welsh cake or pice ar y maen.
Organization Status
The Welsh Gymanfa Ganu Association of Wisconsin, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All contributions to the association are tax deductible.
How can I support the activities of WGGAW?
First and foremost, plan to attend the cymanfaoedd canu and other events with your friends and family members. The more voices join in the singing, the better each cymanfa will be!
You can also make a tax-deductible donation to WGGAW. Donations received before April 20 will be noted in the State Gymanfa Ganu program in the following categories:
Cyfaill/Friend $5.00 to $24.99
Noddwr/Patron $25.00 to $99.99
Bardd/Bard $100.00 or more.
Donations: Make donations to “The Welsh Gymanfa Ganu Association of Wisconsin” or “WGGAW” and send them to WGGAW Treasurer: Dick Myers, 1998 W. Hidden Reserve Court, Mequon, WI 53092. Be sure to give us your email address so that we can add you to our notices.
Each year at the State Gymanfa Ganu, the WGGAW remembers members and friends who have passed away by listing their names in the program and announcing their names during the service. Send their names to Dick Myers, WGGAW Treasurer, at dickmyers53092@outlook.com. Donations can be sent in their memory as well by using the membership/contribution/memorial gift form.
Current Officers:
Rev. Joseph G. Corbin, President; Email: joegcorbin50@gmail.com
Danny Proud, Vice President; Email: derrproud@att.net
Richard A. Myers, Treasurer; Email: dickmyers53092@outlook.com
Sue E. Stealey, Secretary; Email: sestealey@juno.com
If you have questions or comments about this site, please contact Jan Jones Batty at rbatty@wi.rr.com.